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About Operations1

Operations1: process guidance through predefined interactions such as checks, multiple choice, value comparison or sensor queries

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It easy and user friendly software, a lot of functions available, still growing.


Optional features cost extra money and that is not satisfactory.

Operations1 ratings

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9.1/ 10

Operations1 has an overall rating of 4.5 out 5 stars based on 20 user reviews on Capterra.

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Maintanance planner in Poland
Verified LinkedIn User
Automotive, 5,001–10,000 Employees
Used the Software for: 1+ year
Reviewer Source

Overall summary

4.0 4 years ago


It easy and user friendly software, a lot of functions available, still growing. It is easy to use, clear with a lot of functions for the interaction between person who is writing the instruction and with person who is conducting the instruction.


I am missing a dark mode, also integration with Android system could be better, but IOs is working smoothly. Sometimes to much of the updates, to frequent.

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Thank you for your kind review and our collaboration for many years alredy. We are happy you like the usability, quality and features of the software. We value continuous improvement not only for operational processes at our clients but also within our software. Therefore, we are happy to provide continuous updates of our software. Yet, we have recently introduced feature flags in order to provide functionality updates based on customers preferences. I hope this will help you going forward.

Head of Testbench and Production in Switzerland
Verified LinkedIn User
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering, 501–1,000 Employees
Used the Software for: 1+ year
Reviewer Source

Short and easy implementation

4.0 4 years ago


The success plan created together with the Customer Success Manager from Cioplenu was a good help to keep the implementation on track. Cioplenu is a Product which was replacing old Paper forms and therefore there was no pressure from anywhere to change current situation. But we were able to be on our schedule and successfully rolled out the application.


There is actually nothing I don't like. Some concurrent user with read only rights would be nice instead of only named user.

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Many thanks for your kind review. We are looking forward to continue our long-term collaboration

Ass GL in Germany
Automotive, 501–1,000 Employees
Used the Software for: 1+ year
Reviewer Source


3.0 4 years ago

Comments: state of the art working instructions
overview of tasks


Easy to generate working instructions with pictures and films HTML-based system


optional features cost extra money and that is not satisfactory

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Thank you for your review. With our modular pricing model, we aim for the most suitable offering for our clients, meaning they only pay for what they use. Therefore, certain functions that also drive the value of the software even further come along with a separate price tag. We are looking forward to continue our long lasting collaboration.

Quality Engineer in Germany
Machinery, 501–1,000 Employees
Used the Software for: 6-12 months
Reviewer Source

Easier checklists and documentation

4.0 3 years ago

Comments: Great support.
Quick answers to all kinds of questions.
Direct support from permanent employees.
Use of the existing skills and the existing wealth of experience.


For us, the cioplenu software offers the advantage that checklists can be completed anywhere, regardless the device. Updates can be carried out easily and without great effort. The document versioning works fully automatic. In addition, cioplenu enables us to simplify photo documentation.


It may appear confusing in the beginning. However, the use of structure classes quickly makes this initial lack of clarity better.

General Manager in Germany
Verified LinkedIn User
Education Management, 2–10 Employees
Used the Software for: 2+ years
Reviewer Source

Easy implementation of digital workflows

5.0 5 years ago

Comments: We are using cioplenu for our learning system assembly, quality and training processes.


The cioplenu software is very easy to implement and has the necessary features we need to transform our workflows to a cloud-based platform. No unnecessary features that mess up the user interface.


Some sorting and multi-language features were difficult to use, but the issues got fixed really fast in the latest update.

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Thank you for your review, Mr. Merkel! We are glad you appreciate the intuitive software design and easy implementation.

CTO in Germany
Consumer Services, 11–50 Employees
Used the Software for: 1+ year
Reviewer Source

A highly recommendable, innovative and intuitive software.

5.0 4 years ago

Comments: We appreciate Cioplenu very much. The service is always available and solves our tasks flexible & quickly. With the help of this software, we have been able to improve and analyse our processes fast and achieve material cost and working time savings.


The checklists are very easy to implement in the existing systems and to adapt quickly. A cloud software that is easy to use for companies.


Currently, there is no feature worth mentioning that we are missing.

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Thank you very much for your kind review! We are looking forward to continue our collaboration

Head of IT & Quality Management in Germany
Machinery, 201–500 Employees
Used the Software for: 2+ years
Reviewer Source

A multifunctional tool

4.0 4 years ago


Easy to implement, easy to use, cloud-based, usable on any kind of hardware.


No differences between different types of users (editors, viewers).

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Thank you very much for your positive review. In the software, there is actually a distinction between many roles, e.g. to account for different access rights. Our customer support team is always there to help you.

CIO in Switzerland
Machinery, 201–500 Employees
Used the Software for: 1-5 months
Reviewer Source

Digitalize our assembling

5.0 4 years ago

Comments: Great Team and have done an excellent job!


Cioplenu help us a lot in digitizing the assembling process for machinery and for components. It is easy to deliver always the latest documentation and test scenarios to the people. The usage for the enduser is easy and motsly selfexplaining.


The setup seemst to sometimes tricky of what you need and how you get it done in the SW. Finaly with the help of Cioplenug we get everything managed and done!

Operations1 Response

3 years ago

Thank you, Markus! We are glad you appreciate the ease of use. Indeed it is one of our core principles to make the usage for the operational worker as intuitive as possible

Senior Manager IT in Germany
Oil & Energy, 1,001–5,000 Employees
Used the Software for: 6-12 months
Reviewer Source


5.0 5 years ago

Comments: we use the tool within in out digitalization strategy to digitalize all work instructions across the globe


Check list, easy to use, possibilizty to creaty Module that can be reused, permission Management.


reporting and PowerBI integration as well as the UI can be improved (on their Agenda)

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Mr. Feiker, many thanks for your review! We very much look forward to continue digitizing your checklists and instructions globally

Senior Manager Quality Assurance & HSSE in Norway
Oil & Energy, 201–500 Employees
Used the Software for: 6-12 months
Reviewer Source

generel Feedback

5.0 4 years ago

Comments: Creating Risk Assessments in the same systematic like check-lists were handled


The speed to develop solution was fantastic.


I do not really find something to add in this chapter. Not applicable.

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Thank you very much for your feedback, Mr. G. We are glad you appreciate our development speed and our integration opportunities. Indeed those are some of our key principles: Continous software innovation and broad integration capabilities. We are looking forward to our continuous collaboration

Quality Supervisor in Germany
Machinery, 501–1,000 Employees
Used the Software for: 6-12 months
Reviewer Source

Cioplenu from Quality side

3.0 4 years ago


Most I like the possibility easy creating protocol. Easy of us.


- The photos in the protocol are to small. - The version will changed too often.

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Thank you for your review. We are glad that we can support you in simplifying your quality inspections globally already for years.

CEO in Germany
Alternative Dispute Resolution, 11–50 Employees
Used the Software for: Free Trial
Reviewer Source

Its a inovation for everybody

5.0 4 years ago

Comments: Now, our working prozess is more and more intensive. So, we have more time for work live balance and our workers works and lives more easyer, have more fun.


I like the easy using in every situation, and it is so easy to explain.


The software grows with our ideas. And so we can make the picture from our working vision inside more realistic.

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Thank you very much for your review. Indeed ease of use is one of our key principles. cioplenu is made to reduce complexity for the operational workforce and drive insights for the management.

Elektrotechnikerin in Germany
Automotive, 501–1,000 Employees
Used the Software for: 2+ years
Reviewer Source

Im großen und ganzen eine super Software.

4.0 4 years ago

Comments: Bei uns im Unternehmen werden die Wartungschecklisten der Produktion und der Instandhaltung in Cioplenu dargestellt, außerdem Rüstanleitung / Reparaturanleitungen / Checklisten zu einzelnen Arbeitsabläufen. Außerdem wird Cioplenu auch in der Logistik und der QM (z.B. Fehlerrückverfolgung) verwendet. Es werden immer neue Bereiche integriert.
Zu Beginn ist es natürlich, wie bei jeder neuen Software ein enormer Pflegeaufwand, dieser minimiert sich aber, dann sobald das System gefüllt ist.
Grundsätzlich finden sich die Nutzer sehr schnell zurecht.


Die Funktionalität der Bilder/Links/Verpflichtende Angaben/Modulen/Aufträge/Regeln werden bei uns am häufigsten genutzt. Es werden aber inzwischen auch immer mehr die weiteren Interaktionen + Funktionen (z.B. Tasks) genutzt. Die Software entwickelt sich immer weiter, im letzten Jahr hat sich sehr viel getan. Es kann an immer neuen Lösungen/Verbesserungsvorschlägen mit Cioplenu gearbeitet werden und die Software auf die Bedürfnisse des jeweiligen Kunden angepasst/optimiert werden.


Die Funktion der Regel / Tasks und Analytics könnten/sollten noch verbessert werden. Außerdem muss noch am Berechtigungsmanagement gearbeitet werden. Die Performance muss sich noch verbessern. Die Kundennähe ist nicht mehr so, wie zu Anfangszeiten.

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Many thanks for your in-depth review. We are more than happy to closely work with you now over 2 years already, within many use cases and globally. We are glad you are overall very satisfied with using our software on a daily basis. We will drive further improvements, especially on performance for large customers who are having many thousand documents on the cioplenu platform within the next releases.

Teamleiter Technische Dokumentation in Germany
Machinery, 51–200 Employees
Used the Software for: 6-12 months
Reviewer Source

Intuitive und flexible Software

5.0 3 years ago

Comments: Wir setzten Checklistenaufträge im Opreations1 über einen Teil der Lebensphase unserer Maschinen ein. Zum Beispiel:
- Inbetriebnahme
- CE-Sicherheitsprüfung
- Demontage /Vorbereitung Versand
- Remontage beim Kunden
- Inspektion
Weitere Checklisten, wie z.B. zur Schulung von GARANT-Mitarbeiter und unseren Kunden, werden in der nächsten Zeit folgen.
Der Gesamteindruck von Operations1 ist sehr gut. Sowohl die Software als auch der Service. Durch die regelmäßigen Updates und Erweiterung der Funktionen, entwickelt sich Operstions1 kontinuierlich weiter.


- Checklistenaufträge lassen sich flexibel zusammenstellen - Die Checklistenpunkte werden intuitive von den Nutzern abgearbeitet - Fotos und Videos lassen sich einfach einfügen und bearbeiten - In den Reporten wird der aktuelle Stand der Arbeiten gut dargestellt


- Die Reihenfolge der Checklisten innerhalb eines Checklistenauftrags lässt sich nicht verändern - Eine bereits abgeschlossene Checkliste lässt sich nicht durch den Administrator wieder freigeben

Produktionsplaner in Germany
Automotive, 501–1,000 Employees
Used the Software for: 2+ years
Reviewer Source

Pro und Contra

4.0 4 years ago

Comments: Erfahrungen in der Erstellung von Wartungsplänen, Anleitungen und Ausbildungsinhalten in mehreren Sprachen. Dabei seit das Programm noch Sicony hieß ;-)


Einfaches und übersichtliches Konzept. Anleitungen und Checklisten sind schnell abgeändert und sofort wieder online.


Die Spalten muss man bei jeder Aktualisierung neu anpassen :-(

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Vielen Dank fur Ihre Bewertung! Die von Ihnen angesprochene Funktionalitatserweiterung steht bereits auf unserer Roadmap und wir freuen uns, Sie bald uber das Feature-Update informieren zu konnen!

Fertigungstechniker in Germany
Automotive, 1,001–5,000 Employees
Used the Software for: 2+ years
Reviewer Source

Top Lösung

5.0 4 years ago


Unterstützung und Anpassungen in der Einführung und darüber hinaus


Bisher konnte ich kein in meiner täglichen Arbeit feststellen

Operations1 Response

3 years ago

Thank you very much, Thomas! We appreciate working with you

Segmentleiter in Germany
Machinery, 501–1,000 Employees
Used the Software for: 6-12 months
Reviewer Source

Sehr zufrieden

5.0 4 years ago


Modulare Aufbauweise der Dokumente Traceability Task-Funktion


Task-Funktionen sollten weiter ausgebaut werden. Benachrichtigungen, Bilder, usw.

Operations1 Response

3 years ago

Dear Matthias, many thanks for your review! We are glad that you are satisfied with our software and we will do our best to further facilitate you daily operations with our upcoming features

Gruppenleiter TFF Admin / TFU in Switzerland
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering, 201–500 Employees
Used the Software for: 1+ year
Reviewer Source

Tolles Produkt mit 1A Kundendienst

5.0 4 years ago

Comments: Kundenwünsche werden aufgenommen und auch bei einer späteren Version implementiert


Mehrere Techniker können gleichzeitig dieselbe Prüfanweisung abarbeiten. Alles passiert in Echtzeit


Man kann noch keine Auswahllisten erstellen

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Dear Mr. Killer, many thanks for your review. Great to hear that the real-time collaboration functionality adds true value in your team.

Elektronikerin für Betriebstechnik in Germany
Business Supplies & Equipment, 201–500 Employees
Used the Software for: 6-12 months
Reviewer Source

Bewertungsbogen für Erstellen der Wartungspläne

4.0 4 years ago

Comments: Dokumentenabfall wird gespart durch digitaliesierung.
Einfache Datenersfassung direkt vor an den den Maschinen.
Erschauliche Beschreibungen für Arbeiter, durch Bilder Videos.


Einfache Einarbeitung in die Software. Einfaches erstellen von Wartungsplänen Wervolle Tolls zum Verwenden.


Bei Einfügen eines BIldes in Schritten, springt die Software immer auf den Anfangsschritt.

MES-Projekttechniker in Germany
Writing & Editing, 1,001–5,000 Employees
Used the Software for: 1+ year
Reviewer Source

Cioplenu erleichtert den Arbeitsalltag

5.0 4 years ago


Die leicht verständliche und einfache Handhabung der Software.


Aktuell keine Beanstandungen an dem Tool.

Operations1 Response

4 years ago

Thank you very much for your kind review! We are looking forward to continue our close collaboration